Cornwall Affordable Housing

Construction of 77 new affordable units in Cornwall at McConnell & Ninth.

Battersea Fire & Rescue Station No. 8

Construction of a new 7,600 sq.ft. single-storey, post-disaster construction, fire & rescue station for the Township of South Frontenac.

Mitchell Hall Athletics Renovation

Selective demolition & renovation of existing squash courts and surrounding basement and ground floor areas to create specialized athletics spaces & classrooms.

Ban Righ Hall Commissary and Kitchen Renovation

Selective demolition and renovation to specific areas of the Ban Righ Hall commissary, residence kitchen and surrounding storage areas.

Wright Crescent Apartments

Construction of a new three-storey, 40-unit wood-framed residential structure in Kingston.

Barrhaven High School

Construction of a new state of the art three-storey French public high school.

Amherstview Daycare Centre

Construction of a new single-storey, wood-framed daycare facility.

Smith’s Falls Town Hall

Interior and exterior renovation and modernization of the Smith’s Falls Town Hall.

Grass Creek Park Bathhouse

Construction of a timber-framed bathhouse at Kingston’s Grass Creek Park.

MTO Brockville Patrol Yard

Construction of a new 8-bay patrol garage and associated site works, including demolition of existing structure.